ESG Initiatives

TOP Sustainability ESG Initiatives

The Powdertech Group is committed to ESG-oriented management in our business practices in pursuit of societal sustainability.

Regarding the environment (E), we pursue sustainability through practices grounded in ISO 14001 certification and guided by our Environmental Policy. Our Energy Conservation Promotion Committee, chaired by the Representative Director and President, reviews our energy-saving measures and decarbonization efforts monthly and reports the results at meetings.

With respect to social (S) and governance (G) aspects, we focus on human rights, health and safety, and human resource development through ISO 45001 and ISO 9001 certifications, guided by our Code of Conduct, CSR Policy, Occupational Health and Safety Policy, and Quality Policy.

In April 2022, for internal structure, we established the ESG Sustainability Office to oversee risk management. Our Medium-Term Business Plan, a three-year plan that went into effect in FY2022, outlines key strategies and provides metrics and targets, enhanced by regular progress updates.

Promoting ESG Management

Strategies, Metrics, and Targets

Our initiatives and targets under the Medium-Term Business Plan (Plan 22) (FY2022–2024) are as follows.

Progress as of March 31, 2023

Promoting ESG Management
Trend in Energy Intensity
Trend in CO2 Emissions

Human Capital Policy

Our Human Capital Policy is outlined as follows.

Human Resource Development Policy

The Powdertech Group is primarily engaged in technology development. We have a policy of hiring engineers and other staff systematically. Our fair recruitment practices ensure diversity, as we hire people, including mid-career hires, regardless of their gender, nationality, or age. We then provide training based on rank and specialization, thereby investing actively in talent development, which includes interviews for personnel evaluation.

Work Environment Improvement Policy

To create an environment in which a diverse workforce can thrive, we are enhancing our employee recreation facilities and promoting work style reforms, such as telecommuting, childcare leave, and health promotion initiatives.

To monitor the progress of our diversity efforts and work style reforms, we have established the following metrics for the three-year period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2025.

Promotion of Women’s Participation and Advancement
Establish a work environment in which women can thrive

  • (1) Target ratio of female hires: Aim to improve the ratio of female new graduates hired
  • (2) Target number of female managers: Aim to Increase the number of female managers

Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children
Create a work environment that enables employees to balance work and home life to help them realize their full potential

  • (1) Metric:
    Reduce overtime hours
    Strict adherence to an annual limit of 360 hours with a company-wide average of 12 hours per month
  • (2) Metric:
    Foster an environment that facilitates taking annual paid leave (improve the usage rate)
    70% or more uptake of paid leave granted in the fiscal year
  • (3) Metric:
    Promote awareness of childcare-related policies for both men and women and encourage the uptake of childcare leave
    100% uptake of special maternity leave or childcare leave